Maternity Testing

A maternity DNA test is a test that determines whether a woman could be the biological mother of a child. Like a paternity test, it compares a child’s DNA pattern with that of the alleged mother to determine how likely it is that the child has inherited the DNA from the alleged mother.

Maternity test results may be used in the following circumstances:

  • To confirm that an adoptee has been reunited with his/her birth mother
  • To confirm that an embryo conceived through in vitro fertilization was implanted into the correct mother
  • To resolve situations in which mothers or hospital staff suspect that a baby mix-up has occurred in the nursery

In a maternity test, the child, alleged mother, and biological father are tested. The father’s participation in the maternity test helps to exclude half of the child’s DNA, leaving the rest for comparison with the alleged mother. If the father is not available, we can perform a fatherless test, which involves additional analysis, without additional charge.

For a free consultation or to order a test or call 1-888-712-9639. One of our caring, knowledgeable case managers will review the information you provide and guide you through the testing process.

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